Former Advocate for gender neutral child rearing says it was a horrible mistake


An anonymous post. The author starts "I was a true believer. I was a social justice organizer and facilitator before social justice overtook the world. I was on the forefront, introducing the concept of intersectionality to progressive organizations, and having people share their pronouns..."

She and her partner (another woman) both gave birth to boys and raised them gender neutral. Then they realized that this was a mistake and was harming them. She still feels remorse for this mistake.

Here is how she ends the post, "I am no longer a true believer. This experience for me has felt like leaving a cult, a cult that would have me sacrifice my child to the gods of gender ideology, in the name of social justice and collective liberation. I have left this cult, and I am never turning back. Once one brick was pulled out of the wall holding up this belief system, the rest of the bricks tumbled.... Whatever may emerge, the protection of my children will be the compass for every step on the road ahead."


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